Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's not what you know. It's not who you know. It's what the people you know know. Ya know?

So I went back and read some of the work done by my predecessor – Ed’s Gal on the Hunt. At first, it made me disappointed in myself because I realized that girl was much better at getting her butt in gear and not watching back-to-back episodes of Sportscenter. But after a heated pep talk into the mirror in a Starbucks bathroom (I don’t think I’m allowed back there), I thought I should exert some energy into sharing some advice – something Ed’s lovely lady did quite well.

The only trouble there is that you have to, well, know something in order to share it. And aside from last night’s college basketball scores, I question how much else I really know for sure.

There is, however, something I’m beginning to realize just a few days into this journey. A network is a priceless thing to have. Perhaps better than any big-time internship or prestigious award, a network is what connects you to creamy center of this big Twinkie we call the magazine industry.

And I guess that was the big epiphany I had in that bathroom (if I had a nickel for every time I’ve said that…): Time spent connecting with an old friend or acquaintance is hardly time wasted. Because everyone you know, knows a number of other people. And all those people know what’s going on around the industry – usually at the bottom levels where you’ll eventually start your own career.

I know what you’re saying, “Gee willikers Ed guy, thanks for the huge tip! Never heard that one before.” OK, maybe you didn’t say gee willikers, but still, I recognize that this information is nothing new. I’m just trying to emphasize the point that reaching out, sending Emails, grabbing lunch or cups of coffee with people should all be just as high on the “To-do” list as blindly mailing resumes and cover letters to postings you find on job sites.

Then again, what do I know?

[Considering time spent jobless is often consumed by internet browsing and following random links, I present the first installment of my Links o’ the Day. Today’s links are brought to by the wonderful world of dispensers. Yup, you heard me right. Vending machines are cool. Pop machines, sure. But how about bike dispensers and, yes, even weed machines. Let’s just pray, for the safety of all commuters, these two are never placed next to one another.]


BeautyTalk said...

Hey ED Guy,

Love your writing style! How about sharing some information about where you're from, what type of magazine (or which ones) you are looking to get into and what kind of experience have you had so far (internships, jobs etc)? A resume post of sorts....

elizabeth said...

gee willikers? what's next, batman?

hahaha. seriously, i love reading this because i feel like i'm back at third and fourteenth, having some ridiculous argument with you that will later be resolved over a beer at finnerty's. i'll be back in the city in august, and i look forward to learning from your mistakes! till then, i'll be a dedicated blog stalker. =)
